We Are The Champions

“She’s just given up,” sighed one of my psychic session clients over the phone. Her 89-year-old grandmother, or Nana, as she ‘s called, had been recently hospitalized. The decline of a loved one’s physical wellness can be taxing for all involved. Yet, labeling someone a quitter because his or her human body is worn, isn’t an accurate description.

While I’m not a medical professional, I can speak from personal experience, as well as from a place of spiritual connectivity. To me, one who’s had health struggles, and often rallied for second or third life chances, eventually knows when the physical body is nearing its completion. Yet, the soul within still thrives. So, I choose to believe that such a person isn’t, “giving up on life,” but, instead, is, “getting ready for its spiritual transition.”

Simply put: It wants to embrace peace. This prep period is also a good time for the ill person’s family and friends to be “getting ready” as well. Everyone – patient, family members, friends, caregivers, clergy, and even previously transitioned souls – can help ensure that a life transition is filled with grace and dignity. Being open and loving are essential steps in the passing process.

Life matters. We are placed on Earth to experience it. We become champions of our individual and collective good.

And, champions never quit; we prepare for our next experiences.

Love and light,




2 thoughts on “We Are The Champions

  1. Beverly Maccabe Peterson

    This is absolutely exactly what I needed to read today! I need to pass your wisdom on to my brother & his wife as they are dealing with this very situation with his wife’s mother & my brother calls people “quitters” if they no longer want to fight & it is just not ok! What would we do without you, Tony!!

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