Mother Nature & Baby Angel

Tornadoes are destructive forces, whose black funnels have crippled communities and claimed lives. Last week, parts of the Midwest were the latest to be victimized by Mother Nature’s dark side. Among news reports that captured viewers was that of Angel, a 15-month baby, whose family’s lives were taken by the twister, and who was found still alive in a rural Indiana field. Despite being rushed to medical care in nearby Louisville, the infant made her own transition within two days.

First of all, I’ve been sending healing, positive thoughts and prayers to those impacted by the tragedy. I’m aware of the sadness attached to such loss: my hometown of Enterprise, Alabama was the target of such devastation just over five years ago. That tornado destroyed my alma mater’s high school and claimed the lives of eight students as well. While heartbreaking, the townspeople found ways to move ahead by tapping into their faith and spiritual strength. Additionally, support and aid rushed in from all over the country. Today, a new high school stands as a testament to the will of that city and as a memorial to the children who lost their lives.

Grieving the passing of a child is one of life’s most crushing experiences. During an intuitive session months ago with a client, I became aware of a harbored pain and/or guilt that was connected to the death of a baby. The emotional cloud was so intense that it’d built a roadblock so the client had difficultly proceeding positively with her day-to-day affairs. I shared some insights and messages that I’d received and before our session was over, she’d cleared away some of the haze.

Like I told the client, souls within the physical bodies of children have special missions. The infant in Indiana is a shining example. Although only on this Earth for a short time, the soul of that child had one of the most visible roles in last week’s fierce storm: It put a human face on the disaster. And, in doing so, it brought out the humanity in thousands and thousands of people. A humanity that shed light on the importance of love and care of our fellow man, as donations and support poured in from all over. In other words, the baby’s soul raised the positive vibrational frequency of this planet. What a beautiful gift for the soul of that child to share with us.

Angel may have left our physical world, but her spirit continues to remind each of us to be an angel to others. And, we don’t have to wait for the next tornado either.

Love and light,


4 thoughts on “Mother Nature & Baby Angel

  1. jay

    Beautiful and healing message, Tony. I hope many of those who struggle with understanding the reason for such events will read your words. Thank you!

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