Got Questions?

It’s time to check the mailbag for questions asked by my readers and consultation clients regarding my field of work. Here are a few:

Do colors have spiritual connections? – In one word, yes. Think of the world as a rainbow, with colors and their degrees of tints populating the landscape. Scientifically, everything, including hues, is energy. And, energy emits and attracts other energy. In the near future, I predict more research, applications and resources will be devoted to color vibrations and the roles they play in emotional, mental and physical healing therapy.

What is your biggest challenge for your job as a psychic medium? – First of all, I don’t see it as a challenge, because if I did, I’d possibly create non-existent barriers and obstacles in the path. Instead, I like to explore my greatest opportunity for growth and development, which would be to better understand the different cultures and their respective relations to spirituality. I tell my clients that I’m a perpetual student!

Do you have any psychics that you look up to? – Well, I’m 5’5″, so I look up to many people! Kidding aside, I respect the work of the late Edgar Cayce, known as the grandfather of the modern-day psychic work. His psychic medical cases are not only well documented, but validate how he helped countless people over the decades.

The other person would be my mentor, the late Debi Magnes, who helped me break new ground in a territory in which I became immersed. Watching the dedication and joy she brought to her work inspired me to launch my own practice.

By the way, both Edgar and Debi were natives of Kentucky, a state in which I lived for six years.

As they say, must be something in the water!

Love and light,



8 thoughts on “Got Questions?

  1. suz

    Learned something today – I didn’t realize colors emit energy!
    Favorite colors in the Crayola box – magenta and burnt sienna. Lovely colors. 🙂

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