For Bucky

Since earlier this year, I knew I was being prepared for the last time Bucky, my 15 1/2 year-old dog, would wag his tail. Aside from obvious changes in his bodily functions and abilities, I’d seen intuitive visions of him receiving medicine and his bone structure declining. This past month was dedicated to not only making him as comfortable as possible, but intently communicating with him, as I wanted us both “to know” when it was “time.” That moment came last Thursday.

My spiritual journey of the last four years made me strong enough to realize that even though Bucky wouldn’t greet me anymore when I opened the front door, our bond would always be present. And, it’s that bond that overwhelmed me just before the final trip to the vet. I knew I loved that dog, but, undoubtedly, had no idea how deeply. Together since he was a rescued pup, our shared years created a connection that celebrated the highs and weathered the lows. All of those memories rushed in last Thursday as I sat crying on the bedroom floor with car key in hand. Not surprisingly, Bucky hobbled to my side and nudged his cold nose into my chest, like he was trying to get to my heart. And, he stayed there until I was capable of standing.

That lasting embrace summed it all up for me. How fortunate to have had such a beautiful, joyous spirit in my world. One who loved unconditionally and never cast judgement of me – or anyone else for that matter. A brilliant example of God’s love in its purest form, Bucky was placed here on this Earth to contribute to humanity. He was a good boy.

May mankind learn from Bucky – and from all of pets who brighten our world – about what truly matters: love.

Love and light,


Bucky will always be a part of my life : )





45 thoughts on “For Bucky

  1. Chris

    What an amazing post Mr. Morris – it moved me. You were a great dad and he was a good boy – you were lucky and blessed to have each other.

  2. Lisa

    Well, you have officially made me cry at work Tony!!! What a beautiful testimony about Bucky and your bond with each other. You were lucky to have each other!!!

  3. Debbie

    Tony, sorry about Bucky I know how u feel. We lost a Cocker of 12 1/2 yrs, one cat of 15 1/2, and just 3 months ago 2 of 17 yrs. thoughts & prayers to u. Try to enjoy your Happy Birthday with Mom & Tracey.

  4. Pam Driskell Chavez

    Oh my Sweet Tony! Tears for you and Bucky! What a wonderful journey you two have had! Big hugs and love sent your way! I am so glad you had him in your life for so many years! Love you!

  5. Vicki Morris

    Tears coming down now as I feel your pain and your love and joy for Bucky, your companion in so many ways. Our sweet animals share so much with us, I will never be without them in my life as long as I’m able to care for them.
    Thank you for sharing your story of your faithful, sweet Bucky. I’m glad I got to meet him over the years.
    love you Tony,

  6. Mike

    Very touching, Tony. A beautiful tribute. We were both sorry to hear the news, but are glad we had a chance to meet him on a few occasions.

  7. Bill Lewallen

    Tony, that was a moving tribute to Bucky. As hard as we may try, we can never prepare ourselves for the moment when we know in our heart that the final moment has come when we must let a beloved pet, friend, or family member go. You are blessed to have had such a gentle soul in your life for so many years. Bucky will be missed but will always remain in the hearts of everyone who was fortunate enough to know him.

  8. Dianne Meredith

    You were born to be a writer!! Thank you for sharing your loving tribute to Bucky. May you continue to hold those memories in your heart for many years. Dianne Meredith

  9. Margaret Hall Spencer

    Oh, Tony. Your feelings are beautifully expressed in this writing and I am so sorry for your loss. I can relate since I have begun a different level of constant, close communication with my 14 year-old Angel. Your words are an honorable, touching tribute to Bucky’s time on this earth and how we can observe God’s love in all creatures great and small. Much love, Margaret

    1. Tony Post author

      Honey..thanks so much for your special thoughts. As humans, we can learn so much from animals….and from nature too, right? Love to you!

  10. Beth (V V)

    Oh Tony! I’m crying at work too! I’m so sorry but I know that Bucky is in no pain now! He will be waiting to greet you on the other side—-hopefully a long time from now! We love our dog Bear—though blind, diabetic, etc… he is our Son. Thanks for sharing your story. I think dogs are the BEST. Bucky was a great dog and he will always be with you. Love you, Beth

    1. Tony Post author

      V V! I love all that you said…cause I can relate. Bucky had his share of health issues too, but he wasn’t ready to leave his physical body UNTIL last Thursday. I just knew it. And, so did he. Lots of love to you.

  11. mary

    its the unconditional part that makes the love between pet and master so great. every time we lose a pet (we even had a fancy rat die) it brings us all to tears. i am with you on the forever in my heart part. love you tone.

  12. Mike Waller

    Very nice! and also very touching. Sorry for your loss of Bucky. I hope all is well with you because Bucky is no longer in pain now, God has a way of putting just the right things together, trust in him for he knows the way! I have a pair of Chocolates, lord knows they are my life!


    1. Tony Post author

      Mike – thanks so much for your thoughts. And, God put Bucky and I together for sooooo many reasons…reasons which will continue to reveal themselves. Enjoy those babies of yours : )

  13. Chuck Yates

    He was a sweet boy and I loved when I got to come and visit him. He always kinda looked at me like, “Hey, where ya been?” But that may be better translated into, “Hey, walk me so I can have a treat.” Either way, I will miss that face.

    Love to you.

  14. Rick

    Bucky was truly an angel spirit, I always felt so alive and loved and lighter each time I saw him and hugged him. He is an excellent example of pure, unconditional love…. and I know that I am a better person for having been in his company. Love and light to you both……

  15. Jacleen Haber

    I am SO sorry for your loss Tony. My heart pours out to you. I truly do understand as I am a profound lover of animals. Unconditional on their part and in turn become forever embedded in our hearts. I wish you peace during this very difficult time. May your memories always brighten up days that present challenges… for that is what Bucky did best. Sending you love and hugs, Jacleen (aka KiKi)


    Tony, after I heard the news, I new there would be a beautiful blog on the way… I am crying at work !! I am so glad you had Bucky in your life, and now I want to go home and love all over my Gracie( miniature schnauzer) . “One who loved unconditionally and never cast judgement of me – or anyone else for that matter. A brilliant example of God’s love in its purest form”, that comment was just brillant and beautiful and so very true ! Thinking of you during your healing.

  17. Beverly Maccabe Peterson

    I am crying as I write this as I feel your pain and remember all the wonderful animals God has entrusted me to care for and love over the years. I am so very sorry for your loss, there really are no words, it’s like losing a family member. Bucky was so very lucky that you were his companion throughout his life- I know he knew endless love and happiness in your home. As hard as it is when we lose them, I always take in as many animals as God puts in front of me- he does have a way of making sure the right one’s come into our lives and we are made better through our love and caring for them. I pray for your comfort, Tony. I pray you are blessed with another companion to share your life with. Take care and I adore your blog!!!

  18. -tripp-

    I lost a pet a few years ago-everytime I read about someone losing theirs it stirs up memories of how I felt during my loss…

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