Finding Inspiration

Legends say that hummingbirds float free of time carrying our hopes for love, joy and celebration. While the sentiment may be derived from a Papyrus greeting card, it brings to life an example of inspiration. Looking out my patio sliding doors, I can vouch that those darting little birds display a natural magic about them.

The great outdoors is a resource of inspiration for me not only as a writer, but as one who wants to expand his mind. Take a walk; take a hike. Exploring the wonder of nature can clear heads, settle nerves and yes, inspire! Tell me a household product that can do all of that! And, the best part is that nature is available to all; it’s not an exclusive club with membership dues.

Or, any age restrictions. A few weeks ago, I planted a row of rosemary in my patio garden. The second my hands touched the soil, it took me back to childhood when I’d spend hours playing in the dirt. Thoughts of creativity, imagination and fun came to mind. And, yes, I felt inspired.

Some are constantly on a quest, searching for their inspiration. Yet, we all have an ability to draw inspiration to us. Exhibit A: My rosemary plants have attracted more hummingbirds.

Love and light,



4 thoughts on “Finding Inspiration

  1. Kenn Cross

    I wonder which one is more of a gift – – To be surrounded by so much beauty. or to be wise enough and aware enough to appreciate it. I’m always perplexed by the number of people who take their surroundings for granted until someone threatens to take it away. I am grateful EVERY day!

    1. Tony Post author

      Wow! That’s something to ponder. EVerything’s beautiful and we can all appreciate it..if we choose to (that’s including ourselves).

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