
We’ve heard stories of those who experienced life-changing revelations after engaging in special trips. A former neighbor of mine in Louisville clocked out of his pilot’s job for a few months to trek through Tibet, where he awakened inner discoveries about himself. Recently, I read about a mom, dad and their son and daughter, who all four embarked on a similar mission: Gave up their worldly possessions for a year to travel around the world to participate in volunteerism projects.

When involved in such adventures, the moments merit to be captured in some form. My former neighbor penned a journal of his colorful experiences, while the family is the focus of a documentary, Living The Courage Vibe, (check out the trailer link) that’s currently being grassroots-funded to be produced. In such scenarios, one would expect gains of greater self-growth (healing, risk-taking, relationship building, etc.). But, there’s also the opportunity to inspire others with their observations and learnings.

Both of the above journeys’ accounts happened because the participants not only chose to do so, but made proper arrangements and utilized resources. Understandably, not all can pursue jaunts of such epic proportions. Jobs, family or other commitments may not make it feasible at the present. However, we all have the ability to identify and explore opportunities that feed our minds, hearts and souls. In many cases, those adventures, if you will, can literally be found in our own backyards, or, at least, communities.

During my private intuitive consultations, my psychic insights will tap into a client’s personal goals (some of which they’ve never even vocalized). Often times, these desires don’t involve significant financial investments. But, they do require a commitment of focus and action. And, I encourage those who seek my counsel to state their intentions as they relate to their aspirations. For example, one client – a fitness expert – said he wanted to positively combat the obesity epidemic. In doing so, he, of course, leads by example. But, within days of sharing his intention with me, he also launched a website featuring healthy eating tips. And, he’s already getting strong responses from readers who want to trim down.

Whether you’re part of a family of four covering the continents or a force of one creating a map that’s yet to be traveled, the potential for self-expansion is yours to embrace.

Is now the time to plan your own adventure?

Love and light,




4 thoughts on “Adventureland

    1. Tony Post author

      The worst part sometimes about waiting for the “right” time is that we base that “right time” on other people’s opinions and/or our own fears. Just always be sure that the right time is based on level-headed thinking mixed passion! That combo often makes taking a risk or taking action a lot less stressful and more enjoyable ! xoxo

  1. Chris

    Amen Tony – very encouraging post today. Now I need to get off this ride and begin my journey! Thank you fro the inspiriation!

    1. Tony Post author

      Hey – thanks for reading. And, you’re already participating in your journey….it comes in segments. Not all at once! Keep your momentum going! xo

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