Aww, Shucks!

One of the fondest memories I have of my late grandfather, or Papa, as I called him, was the two of us eating raw oysters. We weren’t at a seafood restaurant; it was more like an old-fashioned oyster bar, a small unassuming space with a half dozen stools and a stout, older man shucking oysters behind the counter.

Whereas my grandfather would douse hot sauce on an oyster and eat his straight out of the half-shell, I’d spear one, place it on a saltine cracker and garnish it with ketchup before consuming (that’s how I still eat them today!).

“Son, one reason why I eat so many raw oysters is you never know when you might find a pearl inside the shell,” Papa once shared with me. He was always full of stories, jokes and, in this case, insight. As a teenager, I may not have caught onto what he was implying those years ago, But, it certainly resonates with me now.

Essentially, the oyster tale is all about living your life. Get the most out of it: take the dream trip, audition for that role, enroll in that class, tell that special person you love them and yes, eat those oysters! At times, I’ve shared that philosophy during my client private psychic consultations. It really rings true when my spiritual intuition picks up on a client’s personal goal or ambition, therefore, validating their aspirations.

Even though Papa passed away nearly ten years ago, his wit and wisdom still have a way of connecting with me. I’m suddenly craving raw oysters now!

Love and light,


My late grandfather, Papa, was always full of wit and wisdom.

24 thoughts on “Aww, Shucks!

  1. Patty

    What a great reminder to live life to its fullest! Papa. I can see he was a riot. Love the outfit, overalls are still pretty cool. Can of peaches? He must have really like peaches too. Oysters first.

    1. Tony Post author

      You never knew what to expect sometimes from him! My sister gave that outfit to him as a gag gift (not thinking he’d wear it). Well, he did at age 84!!

  2. Lydia Thigpen

    Loved this!! Were ya’ll at the little raw bar in Enterprise on the corner across from City Hall?
    My mom used to take us there all the time! Great story and analogy to life!!!

  3. Donna Johnson

    You took me back to my childhood too, Tony. Spent many Friday nights in Chancellor at the oyster bar. I’m the only one that went next door for a chili dog. Your Papa was a special man, as was mine. Thanks for sharing. Great story!

  4. Lori L. Ferguson

    The ‘Precious Memories’ And Great Times Can’t be Expressed, feasibly, Can They?!! Ty, for ‘sharing!!’πŸ’“”

  5. Paul

    Awh! Those sweet moments and memories from loved ones gone for now…

    Your papa was a character you must miss him terribly.


    1. Tony Post author

      yes, you are correct; my grandfather was a character! The picture was taken in his final year, so he still had a strong sense of humor up until then!

  6. Vicki E Wedmore

    Lucky you to have such a special “Papa” who made memories with you, Tony. πŸ™‚ I did not have an opportunity to get to know my grandparents, but hope I’m being just that special someone to my grand kids today. πŸ™‚

    1. Tony Post author

      Having met at least one of your grandchildren and having seen your mutual relationship, I’d say you are well on your way to many memories. πŸ™‚

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