The First Noel, I Mean, Blog!

Someone recently asked, “What was the first blog you posted?” I had to stop and think and then dig into my archives. To my surprise, it was related to the holiday season. So, with the yuletide approaching, I’m reposting my first blog (from 2011).

Holiday Gifts You May Never Knew You Had

The holiday season is one of my favorite times of year. While it’s celebrated in many ways, the essence – or spirit – is what makes the holidays special and memorable. Traditionally, wrapped packages – gifts that may be treasured for years – are exchanged among family and friends. Nearly four Christmases ago, I began a journey that led me to discover that I had a special “gift”: I am an intuitive, or, as I also call myself, a psychic-medium.

While I wasn’t a practicing intuitive until about a few years ago, I can look back on my life now and accept that the “gift” was always there. Through the years, I had gut feelings or premonitions about certain events and opportunities that stretched as far back to childhood. Perhaps, you have experienced certain moments in your life too which you simply marked off as coincidences? How many times have you thought about a person, and within hours or minutes, the phone rings and it’s that person? Once you are open to your intuition and listen and watch for signs, you will be amazed at how it will help guide your life. Intuition isn’t just for psychic-mediums, for I believe we all have the gift. Perhaps, it’s stronger in some more than others based on their specific interests and traits.

Speaking of which, I’ve always had a strong interest in communications. So, it was no surprise that I pursued a career as a corporate communications professional. For more than 25 years, I developed and delivered information to both internal and external audiences in a manner that would inspire action and results. Today, I’m using those same skills, but on different playing field.

Once I truly became aware of – and embraced – my gift (and, I do believe it is a gift from a much higher power), I told myself that I wanted to use it to help others get the most out of their lives. Sometimes, that means providing intuitive insights to help remove barriers, identify aspirations, and execute plans. I’m not a doctor (nor, do I “play one on TV”) or any other type of medical professional, but I do feel that I – like all of us – have the ability to help heal others and ourselves, as well. The healing arts extends to countless occupations and people, yet many fail to share the gift (and, maybe it’s because they haven’t even acknowledged it within themselves). In many cases, sometimes all it takes is a smile or a kind word.

During this holiday season, make the season brighter for yourself and others by sharing both your intuitive and healing gifts. And, you don’t even have to wrap them!

Love and light,


4 thoughts on “The First Noel, I Mean, Blog!

  1. Rick R Prickett

    A beautiful reminder of your path! So excited for your continued progression, my friend!

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and an abundantly Happy New Year!!!

    Holiday HUGS!

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